Welcome to SHeM1 Healing  (Soul/HEart/Mind Integration) featuring the revolutionary evolution from Chiropractic, Network Spinal Analysis (NSA).
SHeM1 addresses the newly discovered foundational root of all pains, illnesses and dysfunctions (including psychological)--Ciyenpidias or CNPDS,Chronic Neuro-Physiological Defense StateThrough a three pronged approach of treatment, exercises and education, your nervous system resets to a peaceful, safe state, optimizing your healing and life enjoyment.
In addition to feelng great from the treatments, you have the option to learn how to recognize Ciyenpidias and self-reset. for yourself, saving you time and money as you decrease your need for outside help from doctors and therapists and the like.

Simply put, when you feel safe, your brain organizes and distributes vital energy flow to produce optimal wellness. It also allows flexibility and e